Album Review: WYTCH HAZEL

IV: Sacrament 

Review by: Jim Harrison 


On June 2, 2023 Wytch Hazel is set to release their fourth full length album  IV: Sacrament through Bad Omen Records (North American Distribution: Metal Blade Records) to fans worldwide.

The band was formed in the 2011 in Lancashire England and is classified as a hard rock/metal act but I feel they project a  progressive metal direction.  My first listen they create a Blue Oyster Cult vibe with the thick sound of Deep Purple producing a unique sound that is all their own. Colin Hendra, founding vocalist/guitarist voice really shines on this record and the harmonies are catchy.

Some of the stand out tracks start with the first song “The Fire’s Control” with a really cool sound and a great harmony and guitar riff that is catchy leading into “Angel of Light” with strong lyrics about hope and again with a strong vocal performance by Colin. Track four starts off with a heavier guitar riff then the drums kick in allowing  the vocals to stand out.  Tracks “Deliver Us” and “Endless Battle” are both my personal favourites, focusing on great lyrical content and both songs giving that “ear worm” where you find yourself humming along after the tracks have ended and these would make a great addition to a live performance.

When bands hit their fourth album typically this is when they hit the ground running and this is no different for Wytch Hazel.  This is a mature, well written musically sound album with a great vocal performance.  You can feel this album has been a labor of love and being a new fan I am hooked.  The progressive sound and crisp production really separates  their distinctive sound from what’s out there, I recommend checking this out.

Colin Hendra Vocals,Guitar,Drums
Alex Haslam Guitar 
Andy Shackleton Bass
Aaron Hay Drums 
Ed Turner Mandolin/Mellotron
Drums in this recording by Colin Hendra 

Album Review: THE BLEEDING


Review by: Jim Harrison

Rating: 9

If you are looking for an all out metal assault of the senses than this is the album for you. London born band, The Bleeding are set to release their much anticipated album “Monokrator “ on  June 9, 2023 through  Redefining Darkness Records.  This is their third full length album and the ride just keeps getting heavier, faster and loud. Established in 2010 they are Categorized as a death/thrash band, flawlessly executing these metal genres.  A modernized old school thrash vibe makes it unique.

With Jordan Muscatello, bass, James Loh, drums, Tasos, guitar and Jamie Stungo, vocals, the band are musically talented and Jamie’s voice is strong, aggressive and distinctive, making this album sound fantastically heavy. 

The album starts fast and furious with “Chemical Lobotomy” and leads into “Chainsaw  Deathcult” which opens into a fast bass riff, drums are heavy with massive guitar riffs and Jamie’s vocals ignite the intensity, this is my personal favourite track and I really like how it slows in the middle than explodes again. Track three “Mutation Chamber”  really highlights Jamie’s vocal ability, this is followed by “Union of Horror” with those killer heavy guitar riffs from Tasos. His mid track solo really takes the song to the next level.  Track five “Screams  of Torment” the first single released, slams the listener again and I love the change ups, slowing the song at times, this would be an awesome live track, the drums pound mercilessly on this song. “ On Wings of Tribulation “track six, this would be another killer live track, the flow on this song is fantastic right to the last growl.  The title track is next “Monokrator” where again Jamie’s voice is in top form, pushing an old school trash vibe and again the guitar work just rips through your soul. Last song “Throes of Repulsion” starts off mellow and than the drum beat picks up, Jamie’s voice cuts in and then the song just launches. The booming bass and heavy guitar complement this thrash ambush and the album ends on a high.

This is a restored classic death/thrash metal album. The album’s artwork by Juanjo Castellano Rosado is absolutely stunning and gives you a peak of what The Bleeding are all about a full bone crushing metal album.

The Bleeding

Jamie Stungo Vocals
Tasos Guitar 
James Loh Drums
Jordan Muscatello  Bass 

Album Review: HALIPHRON


Review Score: 8

Reviewed by: Blake Mossey

 The band states ‘Prey’ is all about being a hunter – or from another perspective – the one that is being hunted. You can either be the prey, or be the one that is on the search for their next victim / prey. The album artwork is inspired on a mythological creature from the darkest depths of the ocean “

HALIPHRON hails from the Netherlands. Formed in 2021 featuring former members from bands God Dethroned, Izegrim and Bleeding Gods. Their debut album PREY is out now on Listenable Records.

6 piece Symphonic Metal band featuring the female vocals of Marloes Voskull. On my first few listens I hear a mixture of Arch Enemy (more for the vocals) and Cradle of Filth for the symphonic and extreme metal song structures.

After a instrumental leads things off and kicks in with the thunderous THE KILLING SPREE which is a good lead off track to showcase what is to come. Almost 7 minute opener showing off Marloes extreme growling vocals and the haunting melodies of guitars and keys and thunderous drums/bass to fill it out. Next track MOTHER OF ALL EVIL hits all the extreme symphonic metal moments. One of my fav tracks on this album. This track really gives you that COF feel. Many tempo changes from ominous and slow, to the fast and aggressive death style. Slows down to a lot of soft spoken breaks then just rips back into the metal mayhem. Keyboards really add to the atmospheric feel throughout. You feel the wide range of emotions in their song structures and they don’t stick to a simple song structure which keeps it interesting. THE RESISTANCE is another stand out cut for me with heavy symphonic opening and little slower then most of the album, but still keeping the heaviness and some great heavy riffing midway through the song. Also lots of progressive moments with many songs almost hitting the 7 minute mark like awesome closer UNIDENTIFIED MASS.

Probably goes without saying but the lyrics are dark and delve into loss and suffering. So in summary if your a fan of symphonic, extreme melodic death metal you will love this debut from Haliphron.

  • Marloes Voskuil – Vocals
  • Ramon Ploeg – Guitars
  • Jessica Otten – Bass
  • Jeroen Wechgelaer – Guitars
  • David Gutierrez Rojas – Keys & Choirs
  • Frank Schilperoort – Drums

Album Review: VOMITORY

All Heads Are Gonna Roll

Review Score: 9

Reviewed by: Billy Klare

Vomitory unleash their new album “All Heads Are Gonna Roll” through Metal Blade Records on May 26, 2023. The band originated from Sweden in 1989 and excel in brutal old school death metal. Prior discography included eight albums with the last released in 2011 (titled “Opus Mortis VIII”) just before Vomitory disbanded in early 2013. Fast forward to today and I’m pleased to report Vomitory are back with a vengeance and their ferocious sound remains fully intact, even enhanced. 

“All Heads Are Gonna Roll” is less experimental relative to “Opus Mortis VIII” but that’s not a bad thing. The new material is vicious and relentless, pummeling the listener through the entire 40 minute album length, not letting up for a second. The band stated they made an effort to write more distinct choruses and increase focus on backing vocal arrangements which is clearly evident for long time fans. This new writing approach provides more structure, layers and catchy hooks within each song. The album is memorable and accessible on the first listen but still retains full brutality as Vomitory fans demand. A minor enhancement to their sound in 2023 but it works.          

All members return ensuring continuity from where the band left off in 2013. Erik Rundqvist delivers another outstanding brutal vocal performance where he retains vocal clarity allowing the listener to decipher his lyrical content. He’s one of the best death metal vocalists in my opinion and hasn’t lost a step after such a long break. Guitar duo Peter Ostlund & Urban Gustafsson propel the album forward with another batch of ruthless heavy riffs and strategically placed solos. Tobias Gustafsson’s drum performance is exceptional. His playing is aggressive and savage but never formulaic. After a 12 year hiatus, there’s no rust on these guys.     

Early standout tracks include: “Raped, Strangled, Sodomized, Dead”, “Beg for Death”, “Ode to the Meat Saw”, “The Deepest Tomb”, “Decrowned” and “Dead Man Stalking” but the entire album is strong. The above noted songs are brutally heavy and aggressive but laced with memorable hooks that puts an evil smile on my face. One could potentially criticize this record for a somewhat repetitive songwriting approach but not me. This is OLD SCHOOL DEATH METAL and Vomitory fully intended to provide the listener with this relentless aural assault.      

The production is heavy and aggressive but also surprisingly clean for death metal. I’m not a fan of death metal production / mix that assaults the listener with an undefined wall of sound but that’s not the case here. We get full clarity of all instruments and Erik’s vocals allowing the listener to enjoy all aspects of the music. The band noted they took their time recording the album using a mobile studio removing some of the typical studio related pressures and it shows. The album sounds fantastic.  

Lyrical focus incorporates all the traditional death metal violence topics but also appears to link in the album artwork horror movie theme. The cover artwork is equally brutal aligning to the music. For those like me who still buy physical media, Metal Blade & Vomitory have some very cool splatter / color vinyl variants for sale along with CD’s.      

In summary, “All Heads Are Gonna Roll” is sure to be a contender for top 2023 death metal album of the year. It’s brutal, heavy and vicious but still fully accessible and memorable. A must for old school death metal fans. I also belief this album represents the perfect gateway into more extreme death metal for broader metal fans. Highly recommended.  

VOMITORY line-up:

Erik Rundqvist – vocals/bass
Urban Gustafsson – guitar
Peter Östlund – lead guitar
Tobias Gustafsson – drum

Track Listing: 

01. All Heads Are Gonna Roll
02. Decrowned
03. Ode to the Meat Saw
04. The Deepest Tomb
05. Piece by Stinking Piece
06. Raped, Strangled, Sodomized, Dead
07. Dead Man Stalking
08. Disciples of the Damned
09. Dead World
10. Beg for Death


Dealing With Demons Volume II

Review Score: 8

Reviewed by: Jim Harrison

Groove metal kings , DevilDriver have returned releasing their much  anticipated second instalment of their Dealing With Demons saga with part II . This is their tenth full length album spanning an impressive career of over two decades. 

DWDII  continues where they left off in part I and is a much heavier album of the two . This album not only captures their signature groove metal vibe that they are known for but also incorporates thrash, hints of black/ death metal and has a definite punk influence sprinkled throughout it. Vocalist Dez Fafara’s  trademark voice is in top form and he is ferocious, not letting up, grabbing a hold of you right through to the last track. 

The opening track “ I have No Pity “ has that groove metal sound, very catchy and gets you started with a strong first track. This leads into “ Mantra”, which leads into a more darker sound, great digs and thundering kick drums. Track three “ Nothing Lasts Forever” gets you to think the pace is slowing only to  burst into some massive thrash riffs making it one of the heavier track on the album. The starting dual guitar riffs on “Summoning “ sends this track into a heavy groove that Dez really punches the vocals on , classic DeviDriver. “ Through The Depths” starts with a cool acoustic piece and than rips into heavy thrash leading into the next track “ Bloodbath” which is my favourite track on the album and is  a headbangers dream with those killer hooks and pounding drums, I can see this becoming a live show staple to their set list. “ It’s A Hard Truth” flows as the seventh track not letting up the vocals assault and leads into the track “ If Blood is Life” where Dez Fafara again showcases his strong vocals . This track again slows things down slightly than attacks with a vengeance, this is another track that would be a great addition to their live show.  The last track “ This Relationship is Broken “ ends the album on a high with another heavy track with the chorus repeating NO EASY WAY OUT.

This album is pure evidence that metal is alive and well in 2023 and not only will long time fans embrace this album but  this would also be a great introduction to their catalog for new fans. 

At just over 36 minutes long with nine tracks   The musicianship and vocals are fantastic and keeps the listener wanting more with the “ tweaking” of their groove metal formula and adding so many more metal elements really showcasing DevilDriver’s maturity and relevance. 

Dez Fafara- Vocals
Mike Spreitzer- Guitar 
John Miller- Bass
Alex Lee- Guitar 
Davier Perez- Drums