Artist: SAHG
Title: Born Demon
Release: 21st October 2022

Do you know these moments when looking for new music and choosing one album just because you like the cover? And then – BOOM! – it‘s a new gem in your record player. That‘s what happened to me with this one.
The cover for their new album BORN DEMON shows some black background with a demon skull filled with pink fog and a hand holding a new born. What a perfect art design for this title. I didn‘t know what to expect, but I pressed that play button and smiled, when some doomy tunes knocking straight on my eardrums.
To be honest, I never heard of the band called SAHG. The band was formed in 2004 by Olav Iversen in Norway. In almost two decades of writing music they were publishing 5 albums, so what a shame I never had them on my screen.
After Ole Walaunet (guitar) left the band, it‘s been time to lay down the project. Reforming the band as a trio in 2022, it gave new power to producing new stuff. Newly reborn as a giant doom monster, BORN DEMON is their sixth and finest record – the result of when finest musicians come together, spilling out their creativity and forming eargasm tunes.
So now some recommendations. What song caught my attention the most?
My favorite title on BORN DEMON is BLACK CROSS ON THE MOON – very gloomy, but not depressing at all. Clean vocals with earwig potential. Smooth, heavy. Thank you SAHG for writing that song – I‘m gonna spread it on my social media channel!
Heksedans is also one of my favs. Simple chorus, easy to sing with even for the frst time listening. And when you think the song already shot it‘s best parts, astonishing blast beats and screams kicking in.
If you ask me, I truly would suggest you to put BORN DEMON by SAHG on your music menu! Tasteful with every second melting in your ear canal. Bon appétit!
In total: 9/10 KASHYYYK POINTS
by Kristy Von Kashyyyk / written on 12nd October 2022