NAME: Scarlett S
City/Country: Sheffield,UK!
Links: Scarlett🖤 (@scarletts1906) • https://www.instagram.com/scarletts1906
- How did you first get into metal music, and what was the first band or album that hooked you?
It was an interesting mix of a Metallica obsessed neighbour, and my family playing classic rock throughout my childhood. Mostly Aerosmith and Guns N Roses, but it put me in the right direction. I’d say the heaviest I started with was Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses By Slipknot and in particular Duality. To be honest, I feel that song was a gateway for many into heavier music. I always say Metallica is a good starting point if you’re wanting to get a feel for the music.
- What was the most memorable concert you’ve ever attended, and why did it stand out?
This is such a hard one, probably Parkway Drive at Download 2023. I always find the atmosphere at festivals a lot more lively than concerts. Winston McCall (the frontman) somehow managed to get on a fan’s shoulders in the crowd and directed a circle pit around himself. I don’t think I could forget it, to be able to control your voice so well balancing on someone, while having a hundred people running around you is a crazy talent. And he got straight back on stage for the next song!
- What’s your favorite metal-related memory, whether it’s a concert, meeting a band member, or something else entirely??
Seeing Kreator live was amazing in itself, but a lovely security guard offered to take some videos up close for me. So I got the best ever footage of 666-World divided. That was the coolest thing. The pyro at that show was sick! It honestly made my day. Makes up for the one time a member of security dropped me as I went over the barrier on my first crowd surf! Quite embarrassing but it is a funny memory now I look back, I don’t think I’ve crowd surfed since.

- Do you have a favorite metal subgenre? If so, what draws you to it?
Nu-Metal was my go to starting out, it wasn’t too heavy but just enough to draw me in. Slipknot, Korn, Limp Bizkit. I’d say nowadays it’s either the classics, or gothic metal. Draconian, Cradle of Filth, Lacuna Coil. It’s the angry growls mixed in with melody that gets me everytime.
- What’s your go-to metal anthem when you need a boost of energy?
Shadow Boxing by Parkway Drive, it’s one of those songs that can just get you going. It’s definitely a great gym song if you need that extra push, it always gets me hyped up when I really cannot be bothered to do much. I think everyone needs a hype song, I don’t think I could get a great deal done without one.

- If you could attend any metal concert from any era, which one would it be and why?
Either Metallica Moscow in 1991 or Korn at Woodstock ’99. I don’t think I’d want to be in the crowd either! Two crazy very amped up crowds. But it would be fun to watch from a distance so I don’t get trampled on. The video footage is amazing, and the documentaries on that year of Woodstock are very interesting to watch, I’d definitely check them out.
- How has being a female metal fan shaped your experience within the metal community?
I’ve never really been treated differently, I’ve had so many conversations over the years with people at festivals, concerts and on Instagram about metal. Everyone just seems to have a passion for the music and I think over time (especially with female metal vocalists getting more recognition) being a female fan doesn’t really phase anyone anymore. Sometimes I get the odd comment of name 3 songs or get called a poser when I post a band shirt, but I don’t take it to heart. As I’m sure it’s been said millions of times, metal concerts and festivals are one of the friendliest places, i’ve seen mothers and daughters go together, grandparents waiting to see Metallica in a crowd of thousands, and it’s so great to be part of that.
- Have you ever met any of your metal idols? If so, what was that experience like?
I have not! I would love to of course, but I’ve chatted with a few on instagram. All amazing people who love their work.
Dream meet and greet would definitely be James Hetfield, I think I’d collapse in shock.

- What’s a metal album you think every fan should listen to at least once in their life?
If you’re looking to get into metal, listen to Kill ’em All, (Metallica), I think you’ll find you won’t want to listen to much else for a couple of weeks. If you’re a seasoned listener, give Under a Godless Veil by Draconian a listen. It’s a beautifully crafted album.
10. Outside of Metal what are some of your other hobbies/interests?
I play a lot of video games! I think it’s honestly a problem. I’ve nearly completed the whole of the Resident Evil Series, hoping to get it finished this year! I’ve been playing a lot of Black Ops 6 recently, which has the best zombies game mode I’ve seen in a while and I’m also a massive fan of the Fallout Series (especially New Vegas).
I watch so many horror movies, a favourite of mine being the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Can’t talk about my hobbies without mentioning Star Wars too, which has been a lifelong obsession!
- Thank you for being our Metal Maiden of the Month!!
Always love talking about metal! Thanks for having me 🙂