June 28th, 2024 @ The Casbah

Hamilton, ON

Photos By: Kim Baarda

Words By: Jason Deaville

What a lineup. Consisting mostly of bands from long-running Canadian metal label, CDN Records, this was certain to be an absolutely brutal night of Canadian musical extremity. The same billing hit Oshawa, ON the night before and had another scheduled gig in Guelph the night following this. We had heard the night before in Oshawa was absolutely crushing, making the buzz in tonight’s air palpable.

First up was London, Ontario brutal death metallers, Sentiment Dissolve. Featuring members from established bands such as Æpoch, Hell Is Other People, Kavara, and Existential Dissipation, I had high hopes for these guys… and deliver they did! Hitting us with several songs from their debut full-length, The Orwellian Dream (released this past May on CDN Records), one could really hear the influences from the member’s other projects, delivering a stunning set of progressive death metal monsters. Keep an eye out for these guys, as we sense big things coming!

The hometown heroes, Consuming Misery, might have had the best response from the decently-sized crowd. The guys got the pit sufficiently riled-up from the first song to the last. They ran through a collection of brutal death metal diddies that spanned their two demos (2023’s Organ Rot, and this year’s Cosmic Mutilation), and treated the punters with a cover of ‘Dead As Shit’ by Sanguisugabogg. A fantastic set from a band that literally just got its start. Again, keep your ears peeled for Consuming Misery, as I suspect big things are coming!

‘Cosmic Mutilation’, ‘Consuming Misery’, ‘Organ Rot’, ‘Reanimated Cadaver’, ‘Gutted In My Basement’, Before The Eyes Of God’, ‘Skinned In A Ditch’, ‘Dead As Shit’ (Sanguisugabogg cover)

CDN Records veterans, Vaginal Addiction, never fail to impress on the live front. Their brand of slam-infused brutal death metal literaly defies gravity, crushing each and every person in attendance with their thick, down-tuned, breakdown-infused assault to the senses. This isn’t suprising, as the band do call Montreal, Quebec home, and we all know the pedigree of death metal bands from that exact area. Tonight was no different. The guys seemed amped – after a self-professed day of drinking – and ready to brutalize Hamilton. They delivered, in spades!

Legendary Canadian dark metalers, Blood Of Christ, really need no introduction. Getting their start way back in the early 90s, alongside other legendary Canadian extreme metal bands such as Cryptopsy, Kataklysm, Gorguts, etc., the guys are now a refined, beastly machine of brutal pit-riffs and incredibly introspective moments that span the landscape of extreme metal and other genres. Tonight, the guys introduced their newest additions to the band (vocalist Christoper Roche, and session/touring bassist Kyle Lam). The guys ripped through all three songs from their brand new, CDN Records released EP, Sworn Trilogy. Unfortunately, the guys had to call it a day very early into their set, as Sayduke (drummer Jason Longo) broke his foot pedal. Check out Blood Of Christ‘s Sworn Trilogy on the streaming platform of your choice… you will not be disappointed!

Toronto, Ontario thrash metallers Korrosive have really come a long way since their inception back in 2015. With two full-lengths, one EP, and one split (with grindcore/crossover extremists, Fascicide) under their bullet-adorned belts, the guys have truly helped put Canadian contemporary/corrosive thrash on the world map. In fact, the band will be releasing their third full-length, Katastrophic Creation, on September 3rd via CDN Records. Tonight, they absolutely destroyed the by-now exhausted punters with a collection of tracks spanning their entire catalog. Definitely catch these guys the next time they are in you area!