Heavy Load – Riders Of The Ancient Storm

Reviewed By: Jim Harrison

Review Score: 9.5

Swedish Viking metal innovators, Heavy Load will release their highly anticipated new album, Riders of The Ancient Storm through No Remorse Records on October 6, 2023. This album is their first since the 1983 release Stronger Than Evil and it’s perfect timing in 2023 reinvigorating their fans with an updated musical experience.

Twin brothers Styrbjörn and Ragne Wahlquist formed the band in the winter of 1974-1975 and have since decorated the landscape with a musical journey sharing not only their ground breaking music and lyrics but are renowned producers working with many bands and albums in their own recording studio Thunder Load Studios.

A few of their producing accolades include the massively genre defining Candlemass albums Epicus Doomicus Mettallicus and Nightfall as well as albums for Hammerfall and Yngwie Malmsteen.

The album begins with the awesome track ‘Ride the Night’ which is an equal mix of a Viking metal/traditional metal that sounds fantastic. With a catchy chorus, superb vocals great guitar riffs and a cool bass/guitar play off during the solo really starts this album of with a bang.

‘We Rock The World’ has a more heavy, sludgy sound making it a tad darker. I get a Scorpions vibe during this song right from the cool drum/guitar intro to the wicked solos. Vocals again are spot on creating an awesome journey during this track.

‘Walhalla Warriors’ has a massive drum sound mixed with the pounding bass producing a more tribal sound. In the middle of the track the drums and bass solo off really pushing the wicked beat.

‘Angel Dark’ has a neat vocal intro and from this track there is a definite progressive direction, again like in this song I love the guitar solos throughout this album.

The next three songs are all my favourites on the album. ‘Slave No More’ has a Sabbath groove that gives this track a darker more doom sound. Right from the guitar intro to the heavy drums mixed with some bluesy riffs this track really highlights strong vocals. This track leads into a more traditional metal sound with ‘Raven Is Calling’. The faster upbeat tempo of this song mixed with some great keyboards really shows again another strong vocal performance.

Technically ‘Sail Away’ is the last song on the album and finishes the album off on a high. This has a power metal classic anthemic, big sound with a killer guitar solo would make this a song that would be awesome live.

There is a bonus track on this album ‘Butterfly Whispering’ that is an acoustic, classical instrumental which is absolutely beautiful. This is a great bonus and is an amazing work of art. The classical guitar is fantastic and really showcases how musically talented this band is.

I love it when a band that hasn’t released much new material in years gives us a full album of ground breaking tracks that really push a relevance in 2023.

The shared vocals on this album with the brothers really transcends a diverse direction. Vocally and musically this band covers many metal genres to keep the listener engaged and even wanting more.

I can only imagine how tight this band will be live promoting these songs.

I strongly recommend this album for all metal fans looking for a solid full album of mixed metal genre excellence. Pick this up and play it at eleven.

Heavy Load is:
Styrbjörn Wahlquist: Drums, vocals , percussion
Ragne Wajlquist: guitars , vocals, keyboards
Torbjörn Ragnesjö: bass
Nic Savage: guitars