The Metal Pit had the pleasure to interview vocalist and songwriter Lisa Perry aka “Hellz” from Australia. She is also the frontwoman for the hard rock band called “Hellz Abyss”. A beautiful person, a talented songwriter, and a vocalist who channels an impressive 6-octave vocal range that separates her from others in the industry. Along with being a multi-talented woman, she also creates a unique persona while she is performing onstage. Be sure to catch them live when you can for an extra bonus and memorable experience! Ladies and gentlemen, Lisa Perry…
Who are some of your top musical influences?
Definitely Lemmy, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Dio, Pantera, AC/DC, and another awesome band here in Australia called Rose Tattoo.
If you could collaborate with any musician, who would it be and why?
I have been lucky enough to collaborate with Riggs from Rob Zombie in the past. It would be sick to collaborate with Rob Zombie himself on something eccentric and strange!
What venue would you like to play next?
Somewhere that puts in the effort to advertise and promote the bands playing at their venue! Too many don’t do this and then complain that bands don’t sell enough presales for their venue.

What does success as a musician look like to you?
Going out and stopping at nothing to get heard and seen. Being talented is one part of the equation, you need to be relentless in achieving your goals, giving, trustworthy, and a true artist. Success comes in the form of results. You may not be rich from your passion but you should be loving every moment.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Probably doing the exact same thing I am doing now! Or in prison.
Can you tell me about the best concert you ever saw and what made it great?
I really enjoyed Airbourne this year as their music and stage stamina is brilliant! Also back in the day, (90’s) Rage Against the Machine gave me the most memorable moment when they threw down “Killing In The Name” and the whole audience went ballistic, I live for those moments.
How do you feel you’ve improved as a musician over the past five years?
I have learned A LOT in the last few years and I’m always learning. I feel I have endured a lot of the darker side of the industry and that has taught me valuable lessons and resilience. Musically I have started playing a lot more of the instruments on my albums. I’ve learned to produce and master my own music, and music videos, create custom stage wear, and my own promotion. One thing I have realized is that if you can do it all alone no one will have their hands in your pockets.
What makes performing music rewarding to you?
Seeing the look on people’s faces when they are enjoying the music.
What drew you to the music industry?
I really have never known any different. I’ve always belonged here. It was installed at birth.

Whom are you inspired by?
Givers that ask for nothing in return. The warriors out there from all walks of life that have been through hell and fought their way back. people that are not afraid to speak up about injustice.
Please explain your creative process for your new album WARRIOR.
It all started while going through a bad time in my life last September. I knew to get through it, I needed to use the energy to create and write. I would write and lay guitars, bass, and vocals down for each song, then produce each one to still be slightly raw because real these days is rare.

What’s an average day like for you?
Complete insanity ha-ha… I always have ideas. I wake up and write as in the early hours I’m most inspired to put lyrics and melodies down. By 9 am I am usually working on digital promotion and promotion strategies. Writing emails, interviews, and speaking with tour managers over in the USA. Right now I am working on a big charity event for a wonderful foundation. Sometimes I am making music videos and set up photo shoots and then others I am stitching up custom stage wear or crochet dreadlocks. In those moments in between I’ll pick up the guitar or drums and play. It really never stops! Unless I’m at my retail job… aka paying job.
Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?
Everything I write is usually well described in my lyrics. Mostly it is about challenges and real-life battles and lessons we go through as a human race.
Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans.
Do you mean family? That’s what they are! I’m a pretty approachable person and I love to talk.. a little too much!

What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? Why?
My Favorite is being able to make an idea into reality and sharing that with the world. The part I hate is Misogynistic pigs that still believe it’s a man’s world, gatekeepers, and silly little metal clicks that believe their ego is all that matters.
Have you ever dealt with performance anxiety?
When I was younger, yes. I had a very strong relationship with anxiety all around. I have learned to overcome it as I realize now the stage is a battlefield, it’s a war where my confidence wins every time.
What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Watch out for users and know-all’s. People are very nice to your face in this industry, most will be ready to stab you in the back at any given time. Find the good ones and never let them go. Stop being a cutout copy of everything else out there. Find you and be it!
What is next for you?
We are touring Europe later this year and saving for a USA tour!
If you had one message to give to your fans, what would it be?
I adore you all. Be brave, be strong, you are a warrior!
*Lastly, in all my interviews the final question is a little comic relief question* Can you tell your fans your best joke?
Why did the Koala fall out of the tree? because it was dead.
Thank you so much for taking the time for this interview Lisa…
Interview by Georgina Strilakos