Portrait – The Host

Reviewed by: Blake Mossey

Review Score: 7.5

The Swedish band Portrait is poised to release their sixth full-length album, The Host. Formed in 2005, they infuse a modern flair into their classic heavy metal sound. For newcomers to Portrait, the influences of early Mercyful Fate and the New Wave of British Heavy Metal are evident. The vocals of Per Lengstedt resonate with the power and operatic quality reminiscent of Bruce Dickinson‘s solo work, with a hint of King Diamond‘s falsetto.

This album is the first concept album for the band. According to guitarist and founding member Christian Lindell it’s a story dating back to 17th century Sweden. “It’s an occult tale of sword and sorcery”.

Guitarist Karl Gustafsson makes his debut with Portrait on this album. Rounding out the band is Fredrik Petersson on bass and Anders Persson on drums.

The album begins with a slow instrumental that sets the tone, before diving into ‘The Blood Covenant,’ which bursts forth with energetic guitar leads, setting a rapid pace reminiscent of early Mercyful Fate. Vocalist Per Lengstedt unleashes Halford-esque screams, while the dual guitar work of Lindell and Gustafsson takes center stage in this explosive opening track.

‘Oneiric Visions’ blasts out some Maiden like galloping riffs and Lengstedt shows the King Diamond influences showing some falsetto vocals.

‘One Last Kiss’ begins as a gentle ballad before transitioning into a robust, melodic semi-ballad, reminiscent of Dickinson’s solo work. Lengstedt’s performance notably reaches epic heights. ‘Sound The Horn’ stands out as a fast, heavy track, characterized by galloping riffs and exuding the speed and emotion typical of Portrait’s classic sound.

The album concludes with the epic 11-minute track ‘The Passions of Sophia’. As one might anticipate, this track showcases a variety of tempo and mood shifts, demonstrating that the band’s skills extend beyond straightforward, tradition-rich metal songs. This particular song reveals their progressive tendencies more than any other on the album.

Spanning approximately 70 minutes and comprising 13 tracks (plus intro), the album is a testament to the band’s evolution, showcasing their maturing music and songwriting with each new release. Brimming with traditional metal sounds and exceptional musicianship, it features a dynamic range of tempos, from galloping riffs to melodic interludes and complex guitar solos. The album is sure to satisfy long-time fans and attract newcomers alike. The recording of the album took place at JFK Studio in Sweden, while singer Per Lengstedt oversaw the mixing and production at his Perilous Productions Studio.

The Host releases June 21st on Metal Blade Records. Pre Order HERE