Album Review – CRADLE OF FILTH

Cradle of Filth – The Screaming of the Valkyries

Review by: Matthew Wilson

Review Score: 7

Genre: Extreme Metal
Label: Napalm Records
Release Date: 21/04/2025

The Screaming of the Valkyries, which was produced, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Scott Atkins at Grindstone Studios in Suffolk, England, invites the courageous to embark on a new chapter of CRADLE OF FILTH misadventure. It celebrates apocalyptic existential dread, blackened thrash, and massive melancholic melody. The Screaming of the Valkyries is a legacy-cementing record that is both a beautiful prelude for new lambs to the auditory slaughter and a brutal, dark love letter to the devoted followers of CRADLE OF FILTH.

The Screaming Of The Valkyries tracklist:
1    To Live Deliciously
2    Demagoguery
3    The Trinity Of Shadows
4    Non Omnis Moriar
5    White Hellebore
6    You Are My Nautilus
7    Malignant Perfection
8    Ex Sanguine Draculae
9    When Misery Was A Strange

  1. First Impressions
    • This was my first introduction to cradle of filth and it was a welcome introduction, I had heard of the band before being one of the biggest names in metal, but I had never sat and properly listened to them, and I am glad to have my eyes opened.
  2. The Sound
    • This is a crushing album, this is definitely something you’re going to be jumping into the pits for. It feels like a barrage of punches
    • One little part that stood out for me was hearing a harpsichord in the start of Demagogurey such a classical instrument to hear on a 2025 album is a unique little piece.
  3. Favourite Moments
    • I would have to say that for me the whole song of White Hellebore is just my favourite moment, between the killer riff, the operatic vocals and beautiful guitar riffs, its a really enjoyable song
  4. Any Downsides?
    • For me, the album as a whole is good, its just that Cradle of filth isn’t going to be one of those bands ill have on repeat in my playlist, for long time fans of the band I can see how they would love this, I do really enjoy their guitarists riffs and breakdowns, but as a whole, they wont be for me.
  5. Final Take and Rating
    • As a final take, great album, great songwriting, great consistency. But this wouldn’t be my go to genre, the long time fans will love this album a lot more than I so overall I’m giving the album a solid 7, everything is great about it, but just not my style.
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