CEREBRAL CARNAGE – Violent Suffering (EP)

Reviewed by: Shell Dahlia

Review Score: 8

Cerebral Carnage

Cerebral Carnage’s latest EP ‘Violent Suffering’ was written, produced and performed by one very talented Melbourne man, Ryan ‘Rizza’ Sporer. Over the years, Ryan immersed himself in metal music and the metal scene. He started playing in a band at a young age which exposed him to other musicians who were circulating at the time, eventually landing him merch jobs with Thy Art Is Murder on numerous international tours. He continued building relationships with artists, absorbing knowledge and gaining inspiration.

With only a small amount of mixing and production experience, Ryan believed that taking on what ended up being an 18 month project, would be an invaluable learning experience which would open up doors for future opportunities. I am extremely grateful that he decided to dive right into the deep end and produce an EP that brings me much joy and satisfaction.

Ryan demonstrates right from the get go that he’s not here to fuck spiders. Only several minutes into the first track, you are elbows deep in brutality. The title ‘Violent Suffering’ indicates exactly what the intent of the album is. He achieves a truely ‘violent’ sound with lyrics painting a picture of a suffering society caused by humanity through war and religious oppression. It is evident that inspiration has been drawn from bands such as Hate Eternal, Suffocation and Decapitated as the sound resembles solid 90’s/early 2000’s death metal with modern twist.

I recommend hydrating and securing a comfortable position before pressing that play button, this album has crushing riffs infused with rapid blast beats and guttural vocals that will blast down your ear canals from start to finish, leaving no room for intermissions. Ryan says he has no plans for live performances as sadly, he suffered a complete loss of his hearing in his left ear but will continue writing and producing music with some guest vocals thrown in the mix. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed this first instalment and can’t wait to see what the future holds for Cerebral Carnage.

‘Violent Suffering’ available now!