Album Review – Blood Incantation

Blood Incantation – Absolute Elsewhere 

Reviewed by: Jon Santitoro 

Review Score: 9

Since the 1990’s, death metal has been criticized (somewhat unfairly) for a perceived lack of creativity and originality within the genre. With only a few notable exceptions, each subsequent generation of death metal bands has been subject to this criticism, and (without mentioning names) even long time death metal musicians have complained to me that, “no one’s doing anything new anymore.” And while such criticism isn’t entirely inaccurate- indeed the mindset of many bands seems simply to be focused on out-grinding their peers- it isn’t the whole truth either. 

Enter Blood Incantation, the Colorado based quartet that is obliterating all preconceived notions about death metal and pushing the genre past the boundaries that have “defined” it for over three decades. Not since Nile’s Relapse Records debut in 1998 has there been such a seismic shift in the death metal paradigm. 

Blood Incantation’s latest release, “Absolute Elsewhere” is the ambitious and thought provoking culmination of the band’s collective genius; a two song, nearly 45 minute sonic supernova of aggressive (yet jazzy) death metal, cosmic sound scapes, and psychedelic prog rock. As with Blood Incantation’s previous efforts, “Absolute Elsewhere” is both complex and captivating, with enough blasting death metal to satisfy the genre’s more jaded fans.

Blood Incantation

The opening track, titled ‘The Stargate’, clocks in at just over 20 minutes and is composed primarily by Blood Incantation drummer Isaac Faulk with contributions from his band mates Paul Riedl (guitars, vocals), Morris Kolontyrsky (guitars) and Jeff Barrett (bass). Mixing equal parts Gorguts and King Crimson, ‘The Stargate’ is a massive and engrossing epic that highlights both the band’s incredible musicianship and song writing prowess. Jazzy musical passages and David Gilmore-esque guitar leads weave seamlessly in and out of punishing tech-death brutality, forming a sonic tapestry that transcends the commonly held viewpoint of what extreme metal should be. The strategic use of keyboards and muted spoken passages in the background add a futuristic, yet strangely nostalgic atmosphere to this visionary masterpiece. It almost feels as if you are experiencing the memories of a future yet to come. 

The second track of “Absolute Elsewhere” is ‘The Message’, a 23 minute opus composed by Reidl and Kolontyrsky. ‘The Message’ is a fascinating odyssey of sound, at once both cosmic and tribal. This track features more of the prog rock influences heard earlier in the album, particularly in the guitar stylings, that when combined with the death metal style drum work, gives this song a completely unique vibe. The bass lines sound great in the mix, and the woodwind section towards the end is a stroke of genius. The unexpected use of clean vocals during the unabashedly psychedelic middle passage (Tablet II) gives it a distinctive Pink Floyd feel. But as with the opening track, the aggressive and well-written death metal passages brilliantly balance the song’s atmospheric trappings and keep them from feeling pretentious. Overall, “Absolute Elsewhere” is an compelling and visionary masterpiece that is sure to redefine death metal and be a cornerstone of the genre for years to come. 

“Absolute Elsewhere” is scheduled for release on 10/4 via Century Media Records. 

Blood Incantation Website

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