Metal Maiden of the Month – Oct. 2024

NAME: Mary
City/Country: Kyiv, Ukraine
Age: 33 years old

The Metal Pit: How did you first get into Metal music and what was the first band or album that hooked you?

MARY: I got acquainted with rock and metal music when I was a kid. My parents listened to many genres of music, but rock and metal music were always in the first place. My dad is a big fan of The Beatles. It’s not exactly metal, but it’s cool, you know! In my parents’ house, always play music like: Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Guns n Roses, Def Leppard, Scorpions, Pink Floyd and many others. Personally, I loved Motorhead the most! And if we talk about the album that I remember the most, it’s probably this one: Motorhead – Motorizer from 2008. I listened to this album for years, over and over again, and I still love it!

TMP: What are some of your most memorable concerts you have seen?

MARY: The coolest concerts I’ve ever been to: Overkill, Misfits, Bullet for My Valentine, Guano Apes, Marilyn Manson, Korn. I remember these concerts the most, and thanks to the professionalism of the musicians and the atmosphere in general! That’s why I can’t single out any one concert.

TMP: What’s your favourite metal related memory?
MARY: My best metal-related memory is the Doro concert in Kyiv in 2013. After the gig, Doro‘s manager told all the fans that there would be no autograph session, but we were still waiting for her after the show, and she came out! Doro tried to pay attention to everyone, took pictures and signed autographs. It was obvious that she was tired, but she did it because she is a professional who loves and appreciates her fans. She’s so sincere and open to the fans, and it’s great! And I started to respect her even more!

Also, my best metal-related memory was the Steel Panther show in Kyiv 2018. At first, I danced on stage (next to the drummer, of course) to the song “17 Girls In A Row”, and after the show, I stayed for an autograph session. I was very happy because in real life they are really simple and cool guys, they paid you as much attention as you needed, they were not lazy to take pictures until they got the “perfect selfie” together. Steel Panther also left me with very warm, friendly and fun memories!

TMP: Do you have a favourite Metal Subgenre? If so, what draws you to it?

MARY: I’ve always loved glam metal, for example: Ratt, Motley Crue, Crashdïet, etc. For me, glam metal is about a certain “having a good time” mood where everything is so fun and easy. Besides, some glam metal bands have incredible ballads, for example, W.A.S.P. – The Idol. Guns n Roses – November Rain or Don’t Cry. I’ve also always been a fan of the Thrash metal genre and bands like: Slayer, Anthrax, Overkill. I was attracted to this speed, energy and technicality. Then I fell in love with Doom metal and Gothic metal. I can say that in this genre I found a certain peace and some special gloomy atmosphere that I like. Recently, I started listening to Metalcore, which I didn’t even perceive a few years ago. My tastes in terms of metal music styles have not changed, they have expanded and I think it’s great.

TMP: What’s your go-to Metal anthem when you need a boost of energy?
MARY: Judas Priest – Turbo Lover

TMP: If you could attend any metal concert from any era what would it be?
MARY: It would definitely be a Type O Negative, and I don’t think I need to explain why. (Oh, Peter) Would also really like to go to a concert of the original Pantera lineup, with Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul. Because THAT Pantera is incredibly interesting, technical to see them live and feel all that power he gives to fans! And, of course, I would like to go to a Motorhead concert… They were supposed to give a concert in Ukraine, and I already had the tickets, but at that time Lemmy started to get sick, and they canceled the tour.

TMP: How has being a female metal fan shaped your experience within the Metal community?
MARY: That’s a great question! In my school days, it was quite difficult for me because I was the only girl in a high school who was into metal, and it was clear that I stood out from the rest classmates . One day someone dared to make fun of my style of dress and makeup, but I could always stand up for myself, so I can say that I was even feared. Between the ages of 18 and 21, I was the only girl who went to local thrash metal concerts in Kyiv for a long time. Mostly, if there were any girls there, they were the girlfriends of musicians who didn’t listen to metal so much, but simply because their boyfriend played in a local thrash metal band. I was respected for my good taste in music, and the fact that I was a blond with long hair and a drummer added even more interest to me as a person. At that time, I made a lot of friends with whom I still keep in touch.

TMP: Have you ever met any of your metal idols?

MARY: Unfortunately, no. Lemmy Kilmister has always been my idol, but unfortunately I never got to see him live. Rest in peace, Lemmy. 🤍

TMP: What’s a Metal album you think every fan should listen to at least once in their lifetime?
MARY: Pantera – Cowboys from hell 1994

TMP: Tell us about your band?
MARY: My band is called “Shkerebertb” , which is a Ukrainian word and is difficult to translate, but here’s its specific meaning “to happen contrary to the usual order.” Our lyrics are reinterpreted Ukrainian fairy tales, but with a little bit of horror and humor. Our style ranges from groove metal to alternative.

TMP: Your a drummer. What made you want to be a drummer and how long have you been playing?
MARY: My father is a drummer. He wasn’t a member of any famous bands, but he showed me the basics of how to play drums and other things. And then I applied to the music college in my hometown of Kyiv for the percussion class in 2008. Unfortunately, I didn’t get in because I didn’t pass the solfeggio. But I didn’t give up and took private lessons and continued to practice drumming. And then in 2009 I formed my first band with aspiring musicians that we met on the Internet on music forums. But the real band that I played my first live show on drums with appeared in 2010. It was an all-female rock band, and it was a really cool time. I played in many local bands and went on small tours around Ukraine with them. There were times when I didn’t play at all, couldn’t play for several years in a row, for various personal and not only reasons. But my passion for drumming always prevailed over the circumstances, and now I’m back to playing drums and performing live shows and I’m very happy about it!

TMP: Outside of Metal, what are some of your other hobbies or interests?
MARY: I am a certified clinical psychologist by education. I like to draw inspiration from nature. I love mountains, rivers and walks in the woods. I love all animals, but mostly I’m a cat person. I love cooking, and you know what? I’m pretty good at it! I love humor and laughter. I also love plants and even grow many of them at home. I’m also a fan of horror movies and psychological detectives. I prefer to be alone and in complete silence than to be in public too often (not counting live shows with my bands, these are awesome moments). I like to read paper books, mostly science literature, detective stories and gothic novels.

TMP: Thank you for being our 1st Metal Maiden of the Month on its return to The Metal Pit.
MARY: Thank you for the interview! I’m honored to be the 1st Metal Maiden of the Month, it’s really awesome! Especially because it’s October now, my favorite month of the year! I want to say to all metalheads – there is no such thing as bad music, there is a music genre that you just don’t like or that you don’t understand yet, because when you’re 18 and 30+, you perceive the same music and the same artist in completely different ways and this is normal. Broaden your horizons, love animals, respect your family and people you love and try to always see only the truth. Listen more than you speak, it’s a great skill!

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