Blake Mossey – Top 15 Albums of 2023

  1. Acid King – Beyond Vision
  2. Swansong – Awakening
  3. Sylosis – A Sign Of Things To Come
  4. Blackbraid – II
  5. Hellripper – Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags
  6. Primordial – How It Ends
  7. Green Lung – The Heathen Land
  8. Fires In The Distance – Air Not Meant For Us
  9. Frozen Crown – Call Of The North
  10. Ulthar – Helionomicon
  11. Terrifier – Trample The Weak, Devour The Dead
  12. Tribunal – The Weight of Remembrance
  13. Enforced – War Remains
  14. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs – Land Of Sleeper
  15. Ne Obliviscaris – Exul

Ask me to write a top 50 album list of all time and I can write one up in 30 minutes. Make a top 15 list of the year and its almost impossible. Might be my age, or lack of hearing but I am very picky when it comes to new metal. I listened to many albums in the last month that I might of missed earlier in the year so I could compile this list. The true test will be if I am listening to any of these albums next year at this time.

My number 1 this year is Acid King‘s 5th album Beyond Vision. Stoner doom metal at its finest and slowest. Starts off with a 6 minute instrumental and not till half way through track 2 ‘Mind’s Eye’ before you realize there is a vocalist. If you like your Metal slow and a little pyschedelic at times check out Acid King.

I have a few stoner/doom bands on my list like Green Lung, Tribunal, and the best metal band name ever Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs or for short Pigs X7!!! Green Lung from the UK definitely omit a 70’s feel of Rainbow, Purple, Sabbath, and Floyd mixture.

A couple Finland bands on my list with the Power Metal band Frozen Crown and the melodic death Metal band Swansong that impressed me enough to make #2 on my list.
Some great albums here covering a few different metal genres so take a listen.

As the creator of THE METAL PIT I want to thank all my writers and contributers this year. We have a awesome Metal family here at THE METAL PIT. I am looking forward to another great year in 2024.
If your reading this and interested in maybe joining The Metal Pit as a volunteer writer send us a message through the contact form. This site is not about making money, its about promoting the best music in the world, METAL.